Water Resource Insights-Water Usage
TRADE DASHBOARD: The Trades dashboard is an initiative by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment—Water to bring greater transparency to the water market participants in... -
Water Modelling-Palaeo Stochastic Climate Data-North Coast
This stochastic climate dataset relates to the North Coast region. The stochastic data are 10,000-year daily data sets of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration generated... -
Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Annual Permitted Take (APT)
Annual permitted take (APT) is a critical component of sustainable resource management, balancing the need for water resource utilisation with the preservation of ecosystems. It... -
Western Regional Water Strategy connectivity modelling
Modelling that was used to inform the development of the connectivity actions in the Western Regional Water Strategy. Modelling base case provides the diversions under current... -
Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Long-term average annual extraction limit...
Long-term average annual extraction limit (LTAAEL) is a regulatory limit set on annual water extractions from a river system. It ensures that average extractions over the long... -
HEVAE Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Value - Northern Rivers
NSW DoI Water has adopted the Guidelines for Identifying High Ecological Value Aquatic Ecosystems (HEVAE) framework developed by the Australian Commonwealth Government. In the... -
Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - Northern Rivers
The purpose of this project is to create a data set that identifies vegetation communities that have a probability of being a groundwater dependent ecosystem within NSW.... -
Water Modelling-Stochastic Climate Data-Greater Sydney-Silo Station (i of...
The stochastic climate data include 10,000 replicates of 130-yr daily data sets of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration generated using observed data sets without and with... -
Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Without Development-Murrumbidgee
Time series of modelled daily flow rates in megalitres per day across the NSW river systems – Murrumbidgee Valley. Individual for each available river gauge data sets are... -
Available Water Determinations (AWD) (allocation announcement)
A water allocation is the percentage of a licensed water user’s entitlement that is credited to their water account for use. We announce allocations each year on 1 July and... -
Water Modelling-Stochastic Climate Data-Greater Sydney
The stochastic climate data and palaeo stochastic climate data include 10,000 replicates of 130-yr daily data sets of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration generated using... -
Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Without Development-Peel
Time series of modelled daily flow rates in megalitres per day across the NSW river systems – Peel Valley. Individual for each available river gauge data sets are attained via... -
Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Without Development-Belubula
Time series of modelled daily flow rates in megalitres per day across the NSW river systems – Belubula Valley. Individual for each available river gauge data sets are attained... -
Water Modelling-Palaeo Stochastic Climate Data-Greater Sydney-Silo Station...
The palaeo stochastic climate data include 10,000 replicates of 130-yr daily data sets of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration generated using observed data sets without... -
Floodplain Management Plans Spatial Dataset
These datasets represent management units within in-force floodplain management plans across the northern valleys of the Murray-Darling Basin in NSW. The data includes the... -
General Purpose Water Accounting Reports - Lachlan and Belubula Catchment
NSW is the leading state in implementing standardised water resource accounting. The General Purpose Water Accounting Reports (GPWAR) adopt the Australian Water Accounting... -
Water Modelling-Stochastic Climate Data-Greater Sydney-Silo Station (iv of...
The stochastic climate data include 10,000 replicates of 130-yr daily data sets of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration generated using observed data sets without and with... -
Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Long-term average annual extraction limit (LTAAEL)
Long-term average annual extraction limit (LTAAEL) is a regulatory limit set on annual water extractions from a river system. It ensures that average extractions over the long... -
New South Wales River Styles spatial dataset
The NSW River Styles is a spatial dataset that contains over 220,000 km of river length in NSW and records information (attributes) for each discrete section (reach) of river... -
Water Modelling-Modelled Data-No Plan Environmental Water (No PEW) - Macquarie
To construct a high-level evaluation scenario for the Water Sharing Plan (the Plan) for the Macquarie and Cudgegong Regulated River Water Source all account-based Plan...