Water Modelling-Palaeo Stochastic Climate Data-Far North Coast
This stochastic climate dataset relates to the Far North Coast region. The stochastic data are 10,000-year daily data sets of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration generated... -
Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Long-term average annual extraction limit...
Long-term average annual extraction limit (LTAAEL) is a regulatory limit set on annual water extractions from a river system. It ensures that average extractions over the long... -
Water Modelling-Palaeo Stochastic Climate Data-Border Rivers
This stochastic climate dataset relates to the Border Rivers region. The stochastic data are 10,000-year daily data sets of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration generated... -
Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Annual Permitted Take (APT)-Peel
Annual permitted take (APT) is a critical component of sustainable resource management, balancing the need for water resource utilisation with the preservation of ecosystems. It... -
Water Modelling-Water Models-Without Development
The Without Development Model is a hydrological model of a river system without any representation of water infrastructure (e.g. storages, weirs), water extraction, water... -
Water Modelling-Greater Sydney Stochastic and Palaeo Stochastic Climate Data
The fundamental input data of work undertaken by Water Modelling Team is climate data in the form of daily rainfall and potential evapotranspiration. This data is input to water... -
Hunter Valley Flood Mitigation Scheme-Historical Assets-Information
An excel database of historical files relating to the Hunter Valley Flood Mitigation Scheme (HVFMS) and the associated files in PDF format. The files include engineering... -
Water Modelling-Palaeo Stochastic Climate Data-South Coast
This stochastic climate dataset relates to the South Coast region. The stochastic data are 10,000-year daily data sets of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration generated... -
Water Modelling-Stochastic Climate Data-Greater Sydney-Silo Station (iii of...
The stochastic climate data include 10,000 replicates of 130-yr daily data sets of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration generated using observed data sets without and with... -
Water Modelling-Palaeo Stochastic Climate Data-Gwydir
This stochastic climate dataset relates to the Gwydir region. The stochastic data are 10,000-year daily data sets of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration generated using... -
General Purpose Water Accounting Reports - NSW Border Rivers Catchment
NSW is the leading state in implementing standardised water resource accounting. The General Purpose Water Accounting Reports (GPWAR) adopt the Australian Water Accounting... -
Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Annual Permitted Take (APT)-Namoi
Annual permitted take (APT) is a critical component of sustainable resource management, balancing the need for water resource utilisation with the preservation of ecosystems. It... -
Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Annual Permitted Take (APT)-Border Rivers
Annual permitted take (APT) is a critical component of sustainable resource management, balancing the need for water resource utilisation with the preservation of ecosystems. It... -
NSW Regional Water Strategies boundaries spatial dataset
Regional water strategies set the direction for water planning and management at a regional scale over the next 20-40 years. There are 12 regional water strategies, tailored to... -
General Purpose Water Accounting Reports - Namoi Catchment
NSW is the leading state in implementing standardised water resource accounting. The General Purpose Water Accounting Reports (GPWAR) adopt the Australian Water Accounting... -
Water Sharing Plan-Regulated River Water Sources-Spatial Dataset
This dataset contains best endeavours aggregation and depiction of regulated river water sources derived from In Force Water Sharing Plans (WSP) for Regulated systems, as... -
Water Modelling-Stochastic Climate Data-Greater Sydney-Silo Station (xi of...
The stochastic climate data include 10,000 replicates of 130-yr daily data sets of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration generated using observed data sets without and with... -
Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Without Development-Gwydir
Time series of modelled daily flow rates in megalitres per day across the NSW river systems – Gwydir Valley. Individual for each available river gauge data sets are attained via... -
Water Sharing Plan-Groundwater Sources-Spatial Dataset
This dataset contains best endeavours aggregation and depiction of In Force Water Sharing Plan (WSP) – Groundwater Sources & Management Zones derived from WSP’s gazetted... -
River Condition Index (RCI)
The NSW River Condition Index (RCI) is the primary long-term reporting tool for assessing riverine condition. It is used to combine a range of indicators into a single condition...